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Articles tagged as "retirement annuity"

Insights categories - Retirement

The importance of an emergency fund in the two-pot era (updated)

By Tebogo Marite on 02 Sep 2024

Reading time: 8 mins

For a long time, the retirement savings industry has observed how many South Africans have struggled to balance accumulating and preserving their long-term...

Insights categories - Retirement

Could you survive on less than a third of your income in retirement?

By Twanji Kalula on 12 Aug 2024

Reading time: 12 mins

Despite taking steps to save, millions of South Africans are at risk of having to make significant lifestyle-related downgrades when they are no longer...

Insights categories - Retirement

Two-pot: How to achieve better retirement outcomes

By Richard Carter on 06 Aug 2024

Listening time: 40 mins

The new two-pot retirement system has been designed to improve retirement outcomes for South Africans, while allowing some access to retirement savings in ca...

Insights categories - Retirement

Part 3 (updated): The two-pot system and your savings withdrawal benefit

By Jaya Leibowitz on 08 Jul 2024

Reading time: 7 mins

In part 3 of our Two-pot chapter, Jaya Leibowitz reminds us not to lose sight of the importance of preserving retirement savings, and cautions investors...

Insights categories - Retirement

The two-pot system simplified (updated)

By Jaya Leibowitz on 08 Jul 2024

Reading time: 7 mins

South Africa’s retirement savings system is changing, with the implementation date of the new system currently set for 1 September 2024 – although go-live...

Insights categories - Retirement

Part 2 (updated): The two-pot system – what we know for now

By Jaya Leibowitz on 28 Feb 2024

Reading time: 6 mins

There has been a lot of noise in the past few months about the changes that are being made to the South African retirement system. In part 2 of our Two-pot...

Insights categories - Personal investing

Tap into tax benefits this February

By Carla Rossouw on 01 Feb 2024

Reading time: 15 mins

The end of the tax year in February presents an opportunity to evaluate the tax efficiency of your financial plan. With many competing financial priorities i...

Insights categories - Personal investing

How to use financial products to enhance estate planning

By Felicia Hlophe on 11 Sep 2023

Reading time: 10 mins

Felicia Hlophe, legal adviser at Allan Gray, summarises four key estate planning principles and explains how some financial products can be used to provide a...

Insights categories - Retirement

Retirement annuities still work

By Earl Van Zyl and Tiaan van Wijk on 31 Jul 2023

Reading time: 10 mins

Planning well for retirement is essential to ensure your long-term financial well-being. One key aspect of retirement planning is choosing the product, or...

Insights categories - Personal investing

Tax tips as we head into the 2023 tax season

By Carla Rossouw on 31 Jan 2023

Reading time: 11 mins

The end of February sees the tax year draw to a close – an opportune time to ensure that your tax affairs, and tax details, are up to date, and to consider...

Insights categories - Personal investing

Are you making the most of your tax-free investment account?

By Tamryn Lamb and Twanji Kalula on 23 Jan 2023

Reading time: 13 mins

Tamryn Lamb and Twanji Kalula unpack the pros and cons of using tax-free investment accounts over the long term and explain how they can be used to complemen...

Insights categories - Retirement

Making sense of the proposed two-pot retirement system

By Richard Carter on 27 Oct 2022

Reading time: 11 mins

In February 2021, the National Treasury announced its intention to amend the retirement fund system in South Africa with the dual aim of creating limited...

Insights categories - Retirement

Podcast: Are better outcomes for retirement savers on the horizon?

By Mica Townsend on 26 Oct 2022

Listening time: 36 mins

Allan Gray’s head of Assurance, Richard Carter, joins Umbrella Fund specialist Mica Townsend to discuss the challenges with the current system, the...

Insights categories - Personal investing

Get your affairs in order during National Wills Week

By Jaya Leibowitz on 09 Sep 2022

Reading time: 12 mins

It is difficult to confront our mortality, but the fact is that we are all going to die one day and leave our loved ones behind. As a result, it is important...

Insights categories - Personal investing

Should I invest 45% of my portfolio offshore?

By Earl Van Zyl on 26 Apr 2022

Reading time: 11 mins

In the February 2022 Budget speech, the National Treasury announced significant changes to the framework that governs how much of South African retirement...

Insights categories - Personal investing

How to maximise tax benefits before the end of February

By Carla Rossouw on 15 Feb 2022

Reading time: 7 mins

In the spirit of tax season, Carla Rossouw, tax lead at Allan Gray, discusses how investors can make their money work harder using tax breaks. This is always...

Insights categories - Personal investing

Personal finance lessons from Squid Game

By Cedrick Pila on 03 Dec 2021

Reading time: 8 mins

Netflix’s smash hit show Squid Game may not be for everyone due to its shock factor and gruesome violence, but it is a relatable story that hits close to hom...

Insights categories - Personal investing

Don’t let December derail your long-term plans

By Phiko Peter and Tinashe Kunaka on 24 Nov 2021

Reading time: 4 mins

As we approach the proverbial finish line after a long year, most of us are looking forward to a well-deserved break. However, as we focus on making memories...

Insights categories - Retirement

How to make investing for retirement feel less like a sacrifice

By Thandi Skade on 11 Oct 2021

Reading time: 7 mins

With all the financial demands of present-day life, it can be difficult to stay focused on investing for our longer-term financial goals. Balancing the...

Insights categories - Personal investing

Get your investment questions answered

By Leaveil Des Fountain on 23 Jul 2021

Viewing time: 1 min

The pandemic continues to impact all South Africans and has resulted in many of us having to make difficult decisions about money. Some of us have had to tap...

Insights categories - Personal investing

Investing with tax benefits in mind during uncertain times

By Carla Rossouw on 15 Feb 2021

Reading time: 4 mins

Amid the extreme uncertainty brought on by COVID-19 and the ongoing lockdown restrictions, investors are tasked with looking beyond the current crisis and...

Insights categories - Retirement

Upcoming changes to provident and provident preservation funds

By Shaun Duddy on 27 Jan 2021

Reading time: 11 mins

The Taxation Laws Amendment Act includes changes to the legislation that governs provident and provident preservation funds that will come into effect on 1...

Insights categories - Personal investing

Your questions answered

By Mthobisi Mthimkhulu on 26 Jan 2021

Viewing time: 58 mins

As you embark on your investing journey, you’re likely to have a number of unanswered questions. In the final instalment of our 6-part Personal investing 101...

Insights categories - Personal investing

Ready, set, invest

By Lise-Mari Crafford on 14 Dec 2020

Viewing time: 59 mins

Starting a new long-term investment is less daunting when you follow a methodical approach. In the fifth instalment of our 6-part Personal investing 101...

Insights categories - Retirement

Divorce and your retirement savings

By Lebona Khabo on 24 Nov 2020

Reading time: 10 mins

Divorce can be a traumatic and life-altering experience with wide-ranging social and financial implications. Lebona Khabo discusses entitlement when it comes...

Insights categories - Personal investing

Building a legacy: Part 1

By Noluyolo Betela on 15 Sep 2020

Reading time: 6 mins

Achieving financial freedom and building a lasting financial legacy is a goal for many South Africans. In the first of a two-part Zoom webinar, hosted by...

Insights categories - Personal investing

Making the most of personal tax incentives

By Carrie Norden on 12 Feb 2020

Reading time: 9 mins

After spending decades nurturing their careers, most people hope to enjoy the fruits of their labour in the form of a sustainable income in retirement. Makin...

Insights categories - Personal investing

Make the most of your tax benefits

By Carla Rossouw on 29 Jan 2020

Reading time: 2 mins

The South African Revenue Service (SARS) has put several tax incentives in place to encourage us to save more for our retirement and other long-term goals. Y...

Insights categories - Retirement

How to save for retirement when you work for yourself

By Ray Mhere on 12 Nov 2019

Viewing time: 1 min

Driven by the desire for greater flexibility, and improvements in technology, many skilled workers are turning to the gig economy to earn a living. Working...

Insights categories - Retirement

How to bring conversations about saving out of the closet

By Saleem Sonday on 16 Aug 2019

Reading time: 5 mins

Talking about finances at work can seem like a taboo subject, especially given that conversations about salaries, bonuses or saving for retirement usually ta...

Insights categories - Retirement

Retirement planning in reality

By Leaveil Des Fountain on 24 Jul 2019

Reading time: 9 mins

To truly break the cycle of poverty and start creating generational wealth, young working professionals need to prioritise saving for retirement. Leaveil Des...

Insights categories - Retirement

Planning for retirement in the gig economy

By Tamryn Lamb on 21 Jun 2019

Reading time: 9 mins

Millennials are revolutionising the way we work as they embrace the flexibility and independence of the gig economy, but what does this mean for their...

Insights categories - Retirement

The ultimate human race

By Belinda Carbutt on 31 May 2019

Reading time: 7 mins

As investors there is a lot we can learn from marathon runners that can assist us with our own “ultimate human race” – the challenge of retiring financially...

Insights categories - Personal investing

Is there any tax benefit in saving over the annual tax deductible amount towards retirement?

By Carrie Norden on 05 Feb 2019

Reading time: 9 mins

One of the key benefits of investing for retirement using a retirement fund is the generous tax deduction for contributions, subject to a maximum of 27.5% of...

Insights categories - Retirement

How to prevent a financial day zero

By Belinda Carbutt on 12 Nov 2018

Reading time: 6 mins

Over the past year, Western Cape residents have had to envisage a future without running water and adapt their lifestyles accordingly. They have rallied...

Insights categories - Personal investing

How to maximise tax benefits before the end of the tax year

By Carla Rossouw on 24 Jan 2018

Reading time: 10 mins

The end of February is the end of the tax year. Carla Rossouw explains why this is a good time to take maximum advantage of the incentives the government has...

Insights categories - Personal investing

PART 5: What should I invest in?

By Mthobisi Mthimkhulu on 17 Oct 2017

Reading time: 6 mins

Tax and law are wrapped around every investment product. Knowing the rules can help you choose the right product for your needs...

Insights categories - Personal investing

Tax season: Your top tax investment questions answered

By Carla Rossouw on 06 Oct 2017

Reading time: 4 mins

Confused about how to report on your investments to SARS? With the 2017 tax season in full swing, now is the time to get your documents ready.

Insights categories - Retirement

Retiring or withdrawing? Think carefully before sending us the form

By Carrie Norden on 05 Sep 2017

Reading time: 5 mins

After a lifetime of work retirement is often a welcome change of pace, but many people rush into a decision to retire or withdraw from their retirement fund....

Insights categories - Personal investing

How to maximise tax benefits before the end of the tax year 2016

By Carla Rossouw on 31 Dec 2016

Reading time: 8 mins

Every year at around this time – ahead of the end of the tax year in February – we remind investors to think about taking advantage of some of the incentives...

Insights categories - Personal investing

How can I earn higher returns and pay less tax?

By Richard Carter and Jeanette Marais on 30 Jun 2016

Reading time: 10 mins

Tax has a significant impact on the returns of your investment. If, like most of us, you would like to see more return in your account and less in the hands ...

Insights categories - Retirement

How to save for a comfortable retirement

By Wanita Isaacs on 31 Mar 2016

Reading time: 7 mins

How much is enough to save for a comfortable retirement? Wanita Isaacs unpacks the concepts of ‘enough’ and ‘comfortable’ in the context of this distant,...

Insights categories - Retirement

What you need to know about the retirement fund changes

By Richard Carter on 25 Feb 2016

Reading time: 4 mins

National Treasury is making changes to retirement legislation to encourage investors to save more for their retirement and to improve the alignment between t...

Insights categories - Personal investing

February: Don’t miss out on your 2015/2016 tax breaks

By Jeanette Marais on 18 Feb 2016

Reading time: 7 mins

The end of the tax year is fast approaching – but there is still time to take advantage of some of the incentives the government has put in place to encourag...

Insights categories - Retirement

Empower your staff with a Group RA

By Belinda Carbutt on 15 Dec 2015

Reading time: 5 mins

Employers who illustrate to their staff that they care about their futures by providing them with retirement savings solution, along with investor education,...


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